Shinran (1173-1262) The founder of Shin Buddhism.
Born in the vicinity of Kyoto in 1173.
Became a monk at Mt Hiei in 1181.
Left the mountain, joined Honen's Nenbutsu group in 1201.
Exiled to Echigo in 1207.
Pardoned in 1211.
Moved to Kanto area and started preach in 1214.
Returned to Kyoto and started to write some works in 1234-1235.
Died in 1262 at the age of 90.
Principal object of our temple (Gohonzon): Amida Buddha.
The founder: Shinran Shonin.
Sect name: Shinshu Otaniha
Headquater (Honzan): Higashi Honganji (Kyoto)
Pure Land Teaching Sutras (Jyodo Sanbukyo):
Longer Sukhavativyuha Sutra (Dai muryojyu kyo, Daikyo)
Maditation Sutra (Kan muryojyu kyo, Kangyo)
Amida Sutra (Amida kyo, Shokyo)
Teaching: When you believe in Amida's Vows and say the Nenbutsu (Namu Amida Butsu), you will become a Buddha.
Chanting word: Namu Amida Butsu
Ritual (Gongyo):
Amida Sutra
Shosinge - Hymn of True Shinjin and Nenbutsu, Chinese song written by Shinran.
Wasan - poems in seven-and-five syllable meter.
Ekomon - words that were written by Zendo Daishi (613-681).
Ofumi - letters that were written by Rennyo (1415-1499).